Talend code review utility
At times you might have a requirement to make sure - all
developed talend jobs in your repository conforms to some basic standards setup
by our organization. These could be as simple as guidelines to be followed by
all developers while creating a new talend job. These standards could be – like
naming convention for your jobs, naming convention for components in job, advance properties
for components like “use cursor” option for tjdbcinput etc. commit size, batch size etc...
There could be
many more such standards.
Problem comes when you have to review a job against these standards.
Depending on number of components used in job this review task could be very
time consuming and difficult with increase in number of components in job.
To save your time and efforts – it’s better to write some
utilities to carryout the review checks against talend jobs. Since talend job's entire metadata is available
in *.items, *.properties and *.screenshot files – it’s not difficult to build this
utility. Of these 3 files *.item file is of utmost importance as this contains
XML which contains everything (all components, comments, settings, properties
etc..) from your talend job. All you need to do is read this XML with xPath –
to the level/depth you want to retrieve information like you can read this xml
at element parameter level ("/talendfile:ProcessType/node/elementParameter") to fetch properties for each component and then validate
each of these properties against your review checks and build your review
What is more interesting is that you can build this utility in talend studio itself. You simply need to loop through all *.item file in your workspace folder and read each of these *.item file - parse xml and fetch component properties and perform your checks.