Thursday, 24 September 2015

Configure java path for Talend Open Studio (5.6.1)

Problem - Recently after installing java 8 on my machine, i was not able to run Talend Open Studio 5.6.1 which was complaining that java 8 is not supported. I had java 7 too on my machine, but talend open studio was by default pointing to java in my path.

Solution - (if you were not able to change default java in your system to java 7) - We can configure talend open studio to use an specific java installation. In my case i wanted to configure talend open studio 5.6.1 to use java 7.
All you have to change is the corresponding *.ini file for your talend executable.
I am using windows 8 so in my case it was TOS_DI-win-x86_64.ini

add a new entry to this file as below (-vm...). It already has other entries.
this new vm entry will control the location of java which talend will use. enter the -vm parmeter and path to your java 7 installation. In my case it was c:\program files\java\jre7\bin

-vm C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin

save the file TOS_DI-win-x86_64.ini and restart talend studio.

Once studio is opened you can also control this behaviour via menu option Windows-->preferences-->java

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Talend : running multiple SQL statements using database row component (example aws redshift tRedshiftRow)

Talend : running multiple SQL statements using database row component (example aws redshift tRedshiftRow)

Problem - You might need to run more than one statement in tRedshiftRow (or any other database Row component in talend).

Solution - You can do this by writing your statements in a single string separated by the statement separator for the DB you are using for redshift its ; and i guess for most its the same.

I majorly issue vacuum and analyze commands for my db tables as last job of my load.
example below - just below sql in tREdshiftRow component and it will execute it as multi-statement sql.

"vacuum table1;
vacuum table2;
vacuum table3;

Insert update strategy when using Talend for aws redshift database

Insert update strategy when using Talend for aws redshift database

In this blog i want to highlight insert and update strategy which i found working good with aws redshift database. There would be other strategies which would also work good, but i would share my findings - when i used Talend with redshift.

As of tos v5.6.1 - there is no bulk output component for redshift. so if you use output component for redshift it is slow when it comes to insert, update. What redshift works best is with using their data load utility of COPY from flat file in S3 or it works best when you want to insert data using custom SQL "insert into targettable select from sourcetable";

similarly for update it works best if you use update from table as below
update targettable
set targettable.column = sourcetable.column
from sourcetable
where tarettable.columnkey = sourcetable.columnkey.

So in my work with talend and redshift I mostly endup in using tRedshiftRow component where you can write your custom SQL for insert, update or copy command and this is processed by redshift very fast. There is magnitude of difference in performance when you use custom SQLfor insert, update or copy command.

So when working on redshift DB via talend, try to design your jobs in the way that for jobs which process bulk data, you generate a flat file from source, push it to S3 and use tRedshiftRow to write copy command to load it. If you want to transform data across  your tables in your database then write your own insert, update statement for better performance.